


Changing the life of millions is not wishful thinking; it’s a must in the times we live.

My Story

A career attracting foreign investment and creating jobs in London took me to far land in search for keys to open the gates of global prosperity. I have not found them as of yet, but what I have learnt is that big change is imminent. I have witness good will, hard work and ambition to make sustainability and social good the norm. But still, results are pale when compared to needs. And this is a luxury we simply can’t afford. We have some homework to do. From climate change to growing inequality, social fragmentation or food insecurity.
We need impact-makers from all walks of life committed to putting passion, creativity, work, resilience and ingenuity to make things better, introduce change faster, reach more people and all of this against the clock.

I joined the impact space, thanks to an invitation from https://www.hultprize.org back in 2010. It's now over a decade. I have joined them every year no matter where in the world I was, to support social entrepreneurs change the world. Other organizations invited me to mentor or speak at their events. What I bring is a unique blend of skills to connect vision to investment. This implies building solid business development fundamentals, finessing business models to expand impact and accompanying mentees on their personal development journeys. It's all about understanding how economic development works, unpack the business logic behind it and make sure the those behind the project bring their best person to the work every day, perform at their best and aim high.

Many former participants of Hult Prize competitions contacted me years after we met and asked for support wth their new venture, or they sent their friends to speak to me. And without even knowing it, I had an impact practice.

The challenges ahead of us require different skills and that people join forces to pull off projects of massive impact and scale. I contribute with my skills, so that you can excel at yours. Together we can improve the life of millions.

Let’s start today.


Looking for my other work in Trade & Investment?

Please visit my other websites: Cities & Collaboration for consultancy, fdiCampus  for specialised training. For my investment  books, please visit Aftercare Explained and Advocacy Explained.  Or simply drop me a line and I will come back to you asap.